More on Inflation, Deflation & Hyperinflation

We’ve been discussing inflation and deflation and today we’ll dig more into hyperinflation.  If the world has figured out that buying our debt is a pyramid scheme and that they will be left holding nothing, they will no longer finance our massive deficit each year.  This could happen in the blink of an eye and […]

So What is Risky and What is Safe?

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34) Many Americans today need to lose all of their wealth so that we can turn our lusts away from material things and focus them back on God.  We believe God is bringing about such a time to give many this blessing.  Material/Physical […]

Ben’s Story of Whole Life in Action in His Life

Ben & Kim have a regular American family.  The have two kids – Jack and Rick – who they love with all their hearts (and probably spoil just a little too much!).  They’ve done okay financially,  following a lot of financial advice that they’ve heard over the years.  They’re no experts, but Ben tries to […]

What About Your Kids?

“For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’ “ (Luke 14:29-30) Many attorneys get so caught up in the physical assets of your estate, they forget the most important things – […]

Stagnating or Flowing?

In yesterday’s post, I compared the Sea of Galilee, which flows and empties, to stewarding through cash flow.  Then I compared the Dead Sea, which has no outlet, and is thus so saline that it doesn’t support life, to the hoarding of wealth. This natural picture occurs similarly in the spiritual with our finances.  Our […]

His Most Trusted Servant

If we are called to be stewards of all that God gives us, what does that mean? As you’re faithful with what you have, God will increase what He trusts you with. A steward in biblical times was the most highly favored and most trusted servant.  He managed all the household affairs of his master […]

Kingdom Calling vs. Financial Advisors: Building Glass Ceilings

My years as a traditional financial advisor, before I questioned the status quo and began focusing on stewardship, taught me a lot. One of the most salient things I gleaned in those years was that fact that your standard financial advisor can’t, over time, really help you out-perform the market. But they may well help […]

Why Banks Steward Cash The Way Jesus Would

The mythical “American Dream”:  work hard for 40 years and then one day at 65, retire with a golden nest egg that will take care of you the remainder of your days.   There are several problems with this fantasy.  For one, most of us base our plans on predictions of the future which aren’t accurate.  […]

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