God is Eternal
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 1:8) Picking up from our last discussion, the last will be first and the first will be last. You’ve heard this teaching before, but let’s look into what it means. First […]
Two Kinds of Wisdom
When God created man, He created him in His image. This implies that man was created with spiritual faculties enabling him to readily commune with God and learn wisdom from Him. Man was designed to be taught by God Himself – to become His disciple. And through man, God intended to reveal His wisdom and […]
We Are in His Government
Gen. 1:26-28 [NIV] 26Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27So God created man in his […]
Three Compartments of Man
God created Man in His Image, and endowed him with the full capacity, natural and spiritual, to be changed from glory to glory – even into the Likeness of God. But when Adam and Eve fell, God took away their privilege of fellowship with Him. They were thus not able to approach and walk in […]
Question For You – A Son of God
God created man to bear His image and likeness and rule the world with Him as His perfect sons. When man fell from grace, we maintained His image but lost His likeness. The fullness of God’s plan was to send His Son Jesus to bear witness to His likeness to a broken world that it […]
Created in His Image, Destined for His Likeness
God created Man to bear His Image and Likeness and rule the world with Him as His perfect sons. When Man fell from Grace, we maintained His Image but lost His likeness. The fullness of God’s plan was to send His Son Jesus to bear witness to His likeness to a broken world that it […]
Scripture: Why Did God Create Man?
God created Man to bear His Image and Likeness and rule the world with Him as His perfect sons. When Man fell from Grace, we maintained His Image but lost His likeness. The fullness of God’s plan was to send His Son Jesus to bear witness to His likeness to a broken world that it […]
Back to Glory
We’ve been discussing how God created us in both His image and His likeness. And how we subsequently feel from that likeness, yet how daily, we are transformed more and more back into the glory and likeness of God – a process which will not be perfected until the end of time. God created you […]
From the Very Beginning
God planned, from the very beginning, to populate the earth with many sons. Knowing that God is perfect and infinite, this might surprise you if you see yourself as a broken, sinful person. But God sees you as uniquely perfect and eternal because He made you that way, and although Adam fell and introduced sin […]
His Image and Likeness
Today, we’ll begin a new train of thinking. God created Man to bear His image and likeness and rule the world with Him as His perfect sons. When Man fell from grace, we maintained His image but lost His likeness. The fullness of God’s plan was to send His Son Jesus to bear witness to […]