Hyperinflation & your US Dollar Pt 2
Hyperinflation to the US Dollar is a serious threat in the coming months and years. This economic outlook video looks into factors which could affect your life. This series of videos began here. In this hyperinflation update video, we look at the massive sell off of US Treasuries over the past two months, the future […]
Hyperinflation, Deflation & the Currency War
Hyperinflation is a horrible disaster. Will is strike the US? Deflation is a grinding economy killer. Will this be our fate? Today’s video is an Update on hyperinflation, deflation, & currency wars. Most of the world has undertaken policies to debase their own currencies at the expense of their own poor and middle class for […]
The Growing Sovereign Debt Crises will be Here Soon
Sovereign debt is a ballooning problem. As each countries’ debt grows it becomes clearer that theses debts will never be paid off. We’ve been discussing the core problems facing the US Dollar. Now, let’s look at the early dominoes to fall. Greece was the first to experience this Sovereign Debt Crisis. (Interesting that this all […]
Sovereign Debt, A Problem for You?
Sovereign Debt is not only a problem in the US but in much of the “developed world”. We’ve been looking at problems facing the US dollar and today we’ll examine the competition and contagion that this sovereign debt creates. Higher Worldwide Debt Means Higher Interest Rates We’ve had historically low interest rates in recent years, […]
US Dollar – Healthy?
On Friday, we showed you the history of the Dollar. So let’s now look at the U.S. Dollar with eyes wide open and see if this is a fiat currency that can buck the trend of following every other fiat currency into the wastebasket of history… There are a couple really important things to look […]
Inflation, the United States Dollar, Gold, & the World Economy: Economic Update
Inflation, the United States Dollar, gold, & the world economy is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. We’ll examine the world economy and show indicators of inflation and how that can impact the United States Dollar & gold. This is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm […]
World Economy Slowing
The world economy has become intricately connected. We’ve been discussing signs of an economic collapse and will continue today to see how other nations’ problems affect our economy. Gone are the days where we can look at our own economy in a vacuum without considering the effects that other countries’ economies have on ours. We […]
Signs of Depression: States & Municipalities Defaulting
We’ve been discussing different signs that our economy is headed into a depression. Today, we’ll look at the condition of our states and cities. Most of the United States are flat broke today! And many of the cities are as well. They have allowed themselves to be bloated and now face massive problems. Deficits are […]
Hyperinflation Signs (Old News): Economic Update
Hyperinflation seems probable for our economy and is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. This economic update video talks about some of the indicators of hyperinflation and how devastating it will be. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we filmed […]
Government (Old News): Economic Update
Government and its involvement in the economy are discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion. The more a government involves itself in the economy, the more it fails. This economic update video looks at recent news in the government in this arena. This economic update is part of a series which […]