Does Your Investment Depend upon the Current Market Conditions?
Is the market which you are looking at investing into on a roll? Are you betting on this continuing? Might that be your undoing? Today, we’ll continue looking at methods of due diligence. It is human nature to see big gains being made in a market and feel left out of all the money making. […]
Does Your Investment Utilize your Human Life Value?
Who you are is your biggest advantage as an investor. Your experience, the things you know, and the abilities that you have give you a unique edge that no other person can touch. These attributes along with others make up your Human Life Value. To ignore this, your greatest asset, when it comes time to […]
Do You Know the People Involved in Generating the Investment Returns?
We’ve been discussing investment due diligence questions. People are almost always what are most important in any investment. Who is in charge of generating the returns? Do you know them? What reason do you have for believing they will be a success? Whether it’s a small venture or a large public corporation, the people who […]
Do You Understand the Investment Adequately to Make Your Own Decision?
Understanding a prospective investment is critical before taking the plunge. And yet, most people make investments everyday that they don’t understand at all. We’re continuing our discussion on the important questions to ask yourself when doing due diligence. Today’s might point to the biggest reason most people do so poorly in their investing careers. You […]
Is the Investment a One Time Only Opportunity or Will There be Future Opportunities?
When studying an investment, it’s important to know where this type of investment fits into your overall investing plans. In other words, will you be making similar investments to this one in the future or is this only a one time shot? An investment that is of a type or style where you know you […]
Capitalizing on Unique Ability
We’re discussing ways to analyze investments. When discussing leverage, we touched on this next point, but let’s take it further. God made each person in this world absolutely unique. When a unique individual applies what he has been given in an effective way to the marketplace, something special is created. (Obviously it takes more than […]
How Do You Decide if an Investment is Right for You?
It’s easy to decide not to invest in an investment opportunity if it doesn’t sound good right off that bat. But what if it does sound good? Most investments proposed to you will likely sound compelling or the person telling you about it wouldn’t be doing so. So how do you decide if you should […]
How We’ll Bring You to Financial Stewardship – Part 2
(continued from yesterday’s post): After stages one through three, The Kingdom Calling Process continues into what we call The Protection/Production Continuum stage, where we ask: “How do you do due diligence?” Most people, when looking at an investment opportunity, have few to no tools or strategies to help them decide if they should go forward […]