What in the World is Going On?

The world economy is seeing unprecedented economic malaise, destruction, & capitulation everywhere. The impacts in the US will be debilitating.  This Economic Update Video looks at what’s happened recently so you can be prepared for what’s next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. Today, we’ll look at factors such as:  […]

US Economy Update 3 Video

Is the US economy growing or possibly shrinking.  Today’s economic update video looks at more factors which point towards the direction we are heading so that you can prepare yourself ahead of time.  Now we see the stock market crashing with unbelievable ferocity.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. This […]

Hyperinflation, Deflation, or Inflation Video

Will it be Inflation, Deflation, Hyperinflation, or Steady Growth as far as the eye can see?  This is the eight in a series of economic update videos, and today we will look at the current economic events that point towards how far your US Dollars will go in the near future.  We’re continuing a  series […]

Government Action Shaping Economic Events

Government action leads to decreased economic wellness for the poorest & benefits to the elite. Today, Governments are intervening in historically massive ways.  Today’s economic update video discusses what’s new in this important sphere. The first video in this latest iteration of a continuing series of economic updates can be found here. In this video […]

Where’s the Economy Headed Next?

The economy is turning.  For a couple years now its been struggling along with a limp, but its now fallen to its knees.  Will the economy get back to its feet?  Or will it collapse in its own drool?  This is our first economic update video in a while, but you can see the last […]

Economic Turmoil in the 2nd Half of 2011?

What do we know that will lead towards or away from Economic Turmoil? (See beginning of newsletter here.) The largest holder of US Debt (after the US Federal Reserve that is) is China.  Just this week they announced that they would be drastically reducing the amount of US Debt which they hold.  So they are […]

The Fed’s Big Decision

That leads us to the Fed’s Big Decision. (Find Part 1 Here) The current QE2 will end at the June 30th.  The Fed can’t really ignore what has been going on any longer.  The US Dollar has fallen dramatically since QE2 was announced.  It’s within only a couple points of reaching its all time low […]

Hyperinflation Economic Update Video Pt.2

Hyperinflation to the US Dollar is a serious threat in the coming months and years.  This economic outlook video looks into factors which could affect your life.  This series of videos began here.  In this hyperinflation update video, we look at the continuing fall of the US Dollar, the increasing US deficit, and the fact […]

Silver & Gold Market Update Video

Gold & Silver have always been real money and are beginning to retake this position within our markets as the US Dollar’s value is destroyed.   We’re continuing a  series of videos which began here.  In this silver and gold update video, we  investigate critical facts which could affect the value of silver as well […]

Hyperinflation & your US Dollar Pt 2

Hyperinflation to the US Dollar is a serious threat in the coming months and years.  This economic outlook video looks into factors which could affect your life.  This series of videos began here.  In this hyperinflation update video, we look at the massive sell off of US Treasuries over the past two months, the future […]

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