Jesus was the First-Fruit Offering
The following is an email our team received on April 11th from our team leader as we prepare for this coming mission trip back to “the Land” of Israel. We leave in a couple of days for this trip, and I wanted to spend these next days sharing more about the Jewish roots of our […]
God’s Tithe to Us
In Genesis, God gave us a picture of what was to come. He promised Abraham that even though he was extremely old he would have children and build a nation of people from him and eventually bless the world through him. Abraham waited and got even older. He eventually did have Isaac. God then told […]
What it Means to Tithe
In the OT, stewardship is mainly embodied in the Mosaic Law, where the tithe, or first-fruits, are set apart from the yearly increase of one’s possessions, be it of the flock, or crops in the field: “Thus all the tithe of the land, of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the […]