The Inner Work: Part 1
We continue our discussion of us being made in God’s image and likeness. It’s amazing that God can tell us what He’s going to do around the world and then we can watch and see it happen. It’s incredibly humbling and awe inspiring to be able to hear God’s voice telling you in advance of […]
It’s about the Heart: Pt 2 (Mt 15:1-28)
Matthew 15:1-28 Yesterday we began discussing Jesus’ concern for our hearts as seen in His three discussions in this chapter, and looked at the first of those. Today, let’s look at the second two. 2. Matt. 15:12-20 By focusing on Peter, if we can put ourselves in his shoes, perhaps we can see how slow […]
It’s about the Heart: Pt1 (Mt 15:1-28)
Matthew 15:1-28 Three conversations were carried out by Jesus in Ch.15. The first was with the Pharisees and some teachers of the Law with a crowd listening in. The second with His Disciples, Peter in particular. The final was with a Canaanite woman. In all three, Jesus was looking into the heart condition of those […]
The Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:1-23)
After Jesus was challenged in Ch 12, Pt 1 and Pt 2, He began teaching in parables. The seed sown in good soil Today we’ll cover the Parable of the Sower and what it takes to receive the blessings of God. There is one more interesting thing to note first from the context of chapter […]