Branches, Leaves & Fruit
“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.” (Matthew 12:33) Only after establishing a strong, thorough root system and a powerful trunk can you have a tree, which you can depend on to produce […]
Assets That Produce
In the passage we cited Saturday, Isaiah shows that the land is the farmer’s asset, and God teaches how to use it to produce. Not many of us are farmers today, but the concept remains profound: We should have assets that produce for us. If we seek Him, God will guide us in the ways […]
Your Kingdom Calling
Kingdom Calling, and this blog for that matter, exist to educate and assist you in living the fullest life God has for you while making the biggest possible impact for the Kingdom of God. From today, ad infinitum, we’ll focus on two primary areas: