Japan will see recession in 2012

It has taken long for details of our Recession in Japan prediction to start to come in. Japan has been sucking fumes for over 2 decades now.  Today, we’ll continue the series on economic predictions for 2012 and beyond… In the 1970’s and 1980’s the growth story of the Japanese economy was unreal.  People across […]

What in the World is Going On?

The world economy is seeing unprecedented economic malaise, destruction, & capitulation everywhere. The impacts in the US will be debilitating.  This Economic Update Video looks at what’s happened recently so you can be prepared for what’s next.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. Today, we’ll look at factors such as:  […]

Economic News: What in the World is Going on?

Economic Shocks continue to rock the world.  Riots and Uprisings continue throughout the Middle East and North Africa.  The US Treasury Secretary has agreed with China that the US Dollar should no longer by supreme in the world.  The World Bank President issues and ominous warning.  These are just the first few stories we cover […]

The Growing Sovereign Debt Crises will be Here Soon

Sovereign debt is a ballooning problem.  As each countries’ debt grows it becomes clearer that theses debts will never be paid off.  We’ve been discussing the core problems facing the US Dollar.  Now, let’s look at the early dominoes to fall.   Greece was the first to experience this Sovereign Debt Crisis. (Interesting that this all […]

Inflation, the United States Dollar, Gold, & the World Economy: Economic Update

Inflation, the United States Dollar, gold, & the world economy is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. We’ll examine the world economy and show indicators of inflation and how that can impact the United States Dollar & gold. This is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm […]

Hyperinflation Signs: Economic Update

Hyperinflation signs discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll focus on signs from the last two weeks that hyperinflation is near.  Are you ready? This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we put out in November which describes in detail how and why […]

US Dollar, Gold & Silver Update: Economic Update

Pressure mounting on the US Dollar discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll focus on indicators of the US Dollar collapsing in value soon and news in the gold and silver markets. This video is divided into 2 parts as you’ll see below. This economic update is part of a […]

Economic Update – Treasury Auction

In this economic update, we spend some time talking about a recent treasury auction that almost failed. There have been clear signs in recent months that the nations which we depend upon to finance our debt are no longer willing to do so. China & Japan have reduced their Treasury holdings, and a recent auction […]

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