Automobile Insurance

“No one knows what is coming-who can tell him what will happen after him?” (Eccelsiastes 10:14) These are numbers that we often see in our office: 50,000/100,000/50,000 Do you know what they mean?  You probably recognize that you have the same or similar numbers on your car insurance, but 9 out of 10 people that […]

The Utility of Liabilities

We talked yesterday about the fact that financial assets and liabilities are simply tools.  And that its a misinterpretation of scripture to think that borrowing is evil. On the other hand, if you do not repay your debts at the terms that you agreed to, you break the teaching that Paul’s teaching below, and enter […]

They’re Only Tools

Financial assets and liabilities are simply tools.  Nothing more – nothing less.  A common mistake people make is attaching too much emotion to certain assets or liabilities.  This often prompts poor decisions. No financial asset in and of itself can directly make your life better.  There is no inherent value in them other than the […]

Computing Your Own Net Worth

Net Worth is the sum total of assets minus liabilities. In financial terms, when you subtract all the money that you owe from that which you own – you are left with your net worth.  Most financial pundits consider this the be all/end all number defining your wealth.  As you’ll see, cash flow is a […]

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