Wisdom is the Key to Prosperity

Yesterday we discussed Adam and Eve.  The Garden that Adam and Eve walked in was very different from our backyard garden and very different from the state of this fallen world today.  It is imperative for us to know that the Kingdom is not of this world.  So the essence of prosperity is not about […]

What Does Stewardship Entail?

Being a good steward for Christ needs to happen in every area and role in our lives. In each we ought to practice faithful and fruitful stewardship. As a true believer and disciple of Christ Jesus, it is naturally our duty to steward the things entrusted unto our care and influence. Which sometimes means changing […]

Be, Then Do, Then Have This New Year

As we’re about to flip the calendar on another new year that God has provided us, I want to offer you one of the simpler, more powerful tools that we here at Kingdom Calling apply.  We call it, as others have, the Be-Do-Have Mentality test.  It’s a poignant example of how powerful simply changing your […]

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