Economy, Banks, & Real Estate: Economic Update
The economy, banks, & real estate are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. This video shows that problems at banks and in the real estate market point to difficult times ahead for the economy. This video doesn’t just talk about banks and real estate, but many other areas of […]
Government (Old News): Economic Update
Government and its involvement in the economy are discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion. The more a government involves itself in the economy, the more it fails. This economic update video looks at recent news in the government in this arena. This economic update is part of a series which […]
Economic Update & Financial Forecast
Today we’re posting the first economic update video after shooting The Coming Storm in November. If you have not seen The Coming Storm, you can do so for free by clicking HERE. It is an in-depth look at the economic and spiritual season that we are entering. You really should make it a priority to […]
What Other Bombs are Set to Explode on the US Economy?
Yesterday, we looked at the possibility of rising energy prices or residential mortgage defaults derailing our economy and destroying the value of the dollar and all of your wealth along with it. Today we’ll look at a few more bombs set to go off in the near future. Commercial Loan defaults. Commercial loans are usually […]
What Would it Take to Push the US Economy Over the Edge?
We’ve established that the US has an untenable amount of debt which is growing at incredible rates, and that foreigners are becoming more and more uncomfortable holding this debt and dollars in general. The US is in a precarious position, and those of us who live here are the ones who will most feel whatever […]