The 3 Levels of Tithing: Level 1
Everyone who is in Christ has been bought by the blood of Christ. You are His. Everything you own has become His. You are only a steward over your money and possessions. Without this, eternity is a curse, and with it, a blessing. He grants you ever increasing love, joy, peace & blessing (this does […]
“I Don’t Tithe Because…”
Our temptation is to look at our own circumstances and decide that they are too difficult and to say that God understands your reasons for not tithing. Please understand that Satan tells everyone this when they’re not in the habit of tithing. By following the wrong master you’re are not allowing God to bless you […]
Tithes and Offerings
The tithe is one of the most important things we can do to grow and steward our wealth. Yet most people unaccustomed to this practice or new to faith are horrified by the idea. They feel that they don’t have enough to be giving much away; or that if they did, there would be nothing […]