Should a Christian Tithe?
Let’s add a few words about tithing that have come up since we last wrote on the subject. We’re going to address a couple of issues which have come up where maybe we didn’t fully cover them before. We’ve had a few people asking two major questions and while we’ve somewhat answered these in previous […]
Old Testament Prototypes of Prosperity Blessings from God
Let’s take a look at the story of Jacob, the father of Israel. Jacob cheated and stole not only the birthright but also the blessings from his twin brother Esau, so much so that Esau was angry with him and wanted to kill him. His parents had to send him away, which means, the thing […]
On Prosperity
Does God want you to enjoy so much Prosperity that you need a private jet to travel to each of your luxurious mansions? Are prosperity teachers Happy Fun-Fun Loons who don’t understand the Suffering that is called for in those devoted to the Cross? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle? For the next […]
Believe What You Hear: Mission Trip Excerpt
(June 25th 2006 – Reynosa, Mexico) SUNDAY Today we started with teachings from David in the chapel as we would every morning. He is an incredible man of God. He is a Jewish son of a Rabbi who at 32 found Christ. As such he is a teacher unlike any I have ever heard. Most […]