Conclusion: Bearing the Image & Likeness of God

As we conclude our series on the image and likeness of God, it’s noteworthy to point out that this is a strange time.  You have me and others the Lord has put in this position out there pleading for people to prepare themselves because a new season is around the corner.  In fact, it has […]

Shavuot (Pentecost) is God’s Anniversary With Us

As we prepare for this coming mission trip back to “the Land” of Israel, we wanted to give a little bit more insight into this trip.  We leave tomorrow, and today wanted to share some more about the Jewish roots of our Faith. Kara and I have in the last two weeks begun to keep […]

The Apostles

We’ve been discussing the fact Jesus came to deliver the Kingdom of God, not just to preach the gospel of salvation as has been so emphasized by the Church since institutionalization. Let’s continue that discussion. Recorded in Acts and the epistles of the Apostles, we can easily identify the message that they preached is also […]

Mission Trip – Day 7: Wednesday, May 23, 2007: Shavuot!

So I had a secret on this trip.  I agonizingly carried around a ring for a couple weeks waiting for this very day!  After completing our study of the book of Ruth, we were able to get a couple hours of sleep in at about the time the sun rose.  Shavuot was celebrated with the […]

Mission Trip – Day 4, cont’d: May 20, 2007

The timing of this mission trip was based upon the Feast of Weeks, or in Hebrew “Shavuot”, or in Christian “Pentecost”.  It’s funny that when we returned from The Land and told my Jewish brother that we celebrated Shavuot, he was surprised to hear that Christians celebrated this day.  Soon after, Kara was telling her […]

What do You Think?

I’ve got a plan – and I want your feedback. For the next couple of weeks, in place of my normal discussions on scripture – which have led us half way through Mathew at this point – I intend to relate the story of the truly surreal and remarkably spiritual mission trip I took to […]

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