What is the Kingdom?

“For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”(Matthew 5:20) Whatever happened to Grace?  I thought the blood of Jesus covered all sins and all we had to do to get to Heaven was to accept […]

The Cross – A Review

Man chose the path of sin, death and distance from God.  Adam & Eve were given a wide road to life and a narrow road to death, but they chose to eat of the tree of death.  All future generations of men were born eating only of this fruit and knowing only this existence.  Yet, […]

His Image and Likeness

Today, we’ll begin a new train of thinking. God created Man to bear His image and likeness and rule the world with Him as His perfect sons.  When Man fell from grace, we maintained His image but lost His likeness.  The fullness of God’s plan was to send His Son Jesus to bear witness to […]

Specific Preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God

The message that Jesus preached and lived has been badly distorted by the Church over the centuries. His life, death, and new life introduced the Kingdom of God and this was the good news that He preached. You would be hard pressed to find Jesus preaching a message of Salvation in the scriptures because this […]

Jesus Came to Bring the Kingdom of God – Not Just The Gospel of Salvation

The message that Jesus preached and lived has been badly distorted by the Church over the centuries.  His life, death, and new life introduced the Kingdom of God and this was the good news that He preached.  You would be hard pressed to find Jesus preaching a message of Salvation in the scriptures because this […]

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