US Economy Update 3 Video

Is the US economy growing or possibly shrinking.  Today’s economic update video looks at more factors which point towards the direction we are heading so that you can prepare yourself ahead of time.  Now we see the stock market crashing with unbelievable ferocity.  We’re continuing a  series of videos which can be found here. This […]

Stock Options Can Lower Risk & Increase Return

Stock Options are misunderstood and thus dangerous for most, but can be powerful tools (if used properly) to lower risk and increase return on your equity investments.  This is the beginning of a new series…. We want to share one powerful set of techniques for buying stocks or ETF’s with you.  These are slightly more […]

Economy & Stock Market (Pt 2): Economic Update

The economy and the stock market are again discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series.  This post is part 2 following up from yesterday’s post. The economy is falling apart and soon the stock market will free fall.  More and more analysts are coming to understand this.  We look at […]

Financial Advice for Hyperinflation (Part 1)

As we continue our discussion of hyperinflation from last week, traditional financial advice will be worthless and destructive during hyperinflation. As a matter of fact, if hyperinflation happens (we’ve been discussing the reasons why it might here), most everyone will be totally starting over financially when we come out of it.  We’re going to spend […]

How Can You be a Better Investor?

We are starting a new series with the goal of making you a better investor.  We expect this to be a long topic and perhaps it will actually be more like a series of topics, but wanted to give you an idea of where we’re going.  We haven’t written this material yet, so it can […]

What Would Severe Inflation Look Like?

This is conjecture, but let’s spend a little time trying to think about what our physical life will look like if/when the Dollar starts losing value dramatically.  We can’t think through every scenario, nor will we paint a perfect picture, but let’s paint one regardless. The best guess here is that at some point, the […]

One More Word on Whether or Not the Economy Can Improve

Yesterday, we spoke of the possibilities for improvement in our economy- as well as barriers which could make the normal ebb and flow of recession and growth difficult.  For many decades, the government has been using the mechanism of interest rates to influence the economy. In each cycle that has occurred in the past, the […]

What is Cash?

“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but (the) foolish man devours all he has.” (Prov. 21:20) This is again a much harder question to answer than it seems.  There are a variety of forms of money that you can safely consider a part of your Cash Reserves.  There […]

Kingdom Calling vs Financial Advisors: A Better Way

Almost all financial advisors recommend that you invest your money in the stock and bond market, usually through mutual funds, although it could be through wrap accounts, managed accounts, or in individual stocks and bonds. All of these options are subject to the schizophrenic, emotional roller coaster of the markets. As you know well, the […]

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