The Trunk
Your Savings make up the core strength of your financial life or the Trunk of Your Fruitful Tree. Sound financial growth stems from your foundation of savings. Many people don’t have enough money in savings because they don’t know how to structure it to best benefit their lives. When structured properly, you should have a […]
The 5 Tiered Savings System We’ve Already Established
When building a strong Trunk for your financial tree, you establish a 5 Tier System: Tier 1 – Your Cash on Hand. We’ve discussed potential reasons that the banking system which has been strong your whole life could experience a momentary collapse. This happens throughout the world when a system experiences extreme conditions. The question […]
Ben’s Storehouse
Life could not be stranger. Just a handful of decades before, this world really had Ben and Kim on the ropes. Now they had begun a small dynasty. Not the kind of dynasty focused on itself and growing its own power. Such things are destined to crumble and lose all value. But instead they built […]
Your Storehouse
“The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouse and in all that you undertake. And He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” (Deuteronomy 28:8)(Amp) What is a Storehouse? We usually quote the NIV or NASB here, but they each use the word “barn” above which […]