Two Kinds of Wisdom
When God created man, He created him in His image. This implies that man was created with spiritual faculties enabling him to readily commune with God and learn wisdom from Him. Man was designed to be taught by God Himself – to become His disciple. And through man, God intended to reveal His wisdom and […]
Three Compartments of Man
God created Man in His Image, and endowed him with the full capacity, natural and spiritual, to be changed from glory to glory – even into the Likeness of God. But when Adam and Eve fell, God took away their privilege of fellowship with Him. They were thus not able to approach and walk in […]
Questions for Review – The Fall
God gave Man everything, but we chose to live this life without His guidance. This has led us to misery, pain, and death. God desires that we be His children, growing into His Likeness, in perfect fellowship and community, governing His creations on earth. After choosing his own way, natural Man is now subject to […]
Scripture Specific to The Fall – Part 2
God gave Man everything, but we chose to live this life without His guidance. This has led us to misery, pain, and death. God desires that we be His children, growing into His Likeness, in perfect fellowship and community, governing His creations on earth. After choosing his own way, natural Man is now subject to […]
Scripture Specific to The Fall
God gave Man everything, but we chose to live this life without His guidance. This has led us to misery, pain, and death. God desires that we be His children, growing into His Likeness, in perfect fellowship and community, governing His creations on earth. After choosing his own way, natural Man is now subject to […]
Consequences of the Fall – Part 2
Yesterday – we discussed the first four consequences of The Fall. Today, we continue: We lost eternal life in God. Man is doomed with all creation to decay and perish. The tree of life is out of Man’s reach after we were cast out of the Garden. How sad is it when earthly families break […]
Consequences of the Fall
The consequences of the fall are severe and grievous: Man lost the privilege to fellowship with God – thus the chance to learn wisdom from Him. Much of Man’s spiritual capacity in the spiritual life was shut down when the spirit of sonship was taken away. This means that Man is not able to communicate […]
Challenges from the Devil
We’ve been discussing Man’s fall from grace; and more specifically, the temptations the enemy invoked in tempting Man away from it. The devil challenged Eve with two things: whether God desires glory and perfection for Man (which would be to His glory) or not; whether God knows how to accomplish this goal or not. Eve […]
What Caused Man’s Fall
The serpent is crafty and its craftiness is the primary way the devil deceives Man. Interestingly, God gave Man dominion over the serpent, so Adam and Eve should have enjoyed the ability to discern the lies of the serpent and rebuke it so that it would be forced to flee in terror. The power God […]
Passages on the Fall
Adam and Eve failed the test (temptation) as recorded in the Genesis 3, thus sin and death entered the world and snatched from Man the seed of his sonship of God. But Jesus triumphed over the devil, and more. He proceeded to willingly take on the will of His Father to become the sacrifice for […]