What’s in it for us? (Mt 6:11-15)
Matthew 6:11-15 I almost started this post by beating the drum of “Worship God”…but I stopped because if you don’t get that, it sounds really boring. And if you do, you already know it’s the most amazing way you can live, and you don’t need me telling you. So I thought instead we’d talk about…What […]
What are we supposed to pray for? (Mt 6:10)
The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:10 Yesterday we started studying the Lord’s Prayer. While instructing us how to pray, Jesus teaches that we need to be in awe of our Holy God the Father. This is important when we go into an extended period of prayer, but the key to living the Kingdom life is that […]
Do we pray right? (Mt 6:9)
The Lord’s Prayer:Introduction (Matthew 6:9) My dad used to tuck me into bed saying the Lord’s Prayer. We used to chant it each Sunday morning at the church we attended. Never in this time did I have a clue what Jesus was teaching in this prayer. I just repeated it as if it were a […]