Governments Attack Gold & Silver Prices to Crazy Low Levels
If you’ve followed our writings here, you know that we believe gold and silver prices are going much, much higher as priced in US Dollars over the coming years. In putting together this series of medium term predictions, I tried to think a little outside the box and take some reaches. This is one of […]
Derivatives Will Take Down the Financial System
We’ve spoken before about the danger of derivatives to the very core of the financial system and thus to our entire economy. Our guess would be that when we first began discussing this issue, most of you had never heard of derivatives before. You probably have heard about them now. And we believe, it will […]
Hyperinflation Will Change Your Life
What is Hyperinflation? It doesn’t really have an exact definition, so it’s easy to disagree on what hyperinflation means. To some, inflation that has gotten pretty high (let’s say above 10%) is hyperinflation. To others, the money in your hands must become absolutely worthless to be considered hyperinflation. We don’t have a particular definition either. […]
Full Scale Currency War
Nobody wins a currency war…but politicians love to try. The idea goes like this…. “If we can cheapen the value of our currency, then we’ll be able to export more goods and it will get our economy going. And then I’ll get re-elected and everyone will love me!” (see the beginning of this series here.) […]
US Dollar Will Lose Value in 2012
We predicted the US Dollar would lose value in real terms in 2012 to start this series, and this is already showing itself to be true. Inflation is running higher and higher so that even the government numbers show inflation far above what a person can earn on risk free cash. The reality is much […]
Why You Should Own Silver Now Even If The Price Might Drop Later
Friday we left off talking about Silver and ended the piece discussing the ongoing bullion bank price suppression scheme. We’ve often commented on the issue because new proof comes up all the time and it’s hard not to comment on a blatant in justice being done against everyday Americans. It’s gotten to the point that […]
Silver: Will it Crater or Explode Higher?
Silver is gold’s manic depressive cousin. Silver typically (although sometimes with multi-week or month delay) trends in the same direction as gold, albeit in much more dramatic fashion. It screams higher when times are good. Silver also drives owners mad when its price drops seemingly faster and harder than any other asset price. The turbulence […]
The Coming US Dollar Devaluation
US Dollar Devaluation is at our doorstep. We’re in a series of posts expanding on the predictions we’ve recently made for the US Economy in the coming year and beyond. One of our predictions was that holding USD cash would be a losing proposition in 2012 in real terms. On Friday, we shared with you […]
Should You Own Gold? A Rebuttal
We’re finishing up a series on gold and silver which began here. Earlier posts in this series contained a letter or statement which I put together for an association of which I’m on the board to explain the rationale behind holding a portion of savings in gold and silver. After putting this together, a member […]
Gold Speculators or Prudent Gold Savers?
We’re continuing a series on gold and silver which began here. This is part of a letter written by myself and the board of an association to list the reasoning behind moving some of our US Dollar savings to gold and silver to protect ourselves from risk in the fiat US Dollar. The point is […]