What Does Stewardship Entail?

Being a good steward for Christ needs to happen in every area and role in our lives. In each we ought to practice faithful and fruitful stewardship. As a true believer and disciple of Christ Jesus, it is

Money isn't the only thing we're called to steward...
Money isn't the only thing we're called to steward...

naturally our duty to steward the things entrusted unto our care and influence. Which sometimes means changing our immature attitudes to become disciplined, internally and externally.

So Stewardship applies not just to physical assets, but to every area of life. Here’s how Paul stated it in his life: “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” (1 Cor 4:1-2)

Peter stated it this way: “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (1 Pe 4:10)

In every area of life there is something we are called to steward. But since I can’t mention them all, I’ll break them down into five areas

Financial – our real assets (home, car, etc), paper assets (stocks, cd’s, etc.), and contract assets (insurance, wills, etc.)

Mental – knowledge, wisdom, skills, things we enjoy thinking about, learning, emotions, and work

Social – relationships with family, friends, co-workers, all those within the Body, and all those not yet in Him

Physical – our health

Spiritual – our relationship with God, the God-head (Father, Son & Holy Spirit), our Calling, the Kingdom, spiritual gifts, discernment, etc.

Learning to fully develop, activate, appropriate and utilize each facet with a servant heart is a lesson for us to learn our entire life time. But we will have to start somewhere and somehow. Kingdom Calling’s very purpose is to establish a firm foundation.

God wants us to pursue the Kingdom first (Mt 6:33), but that does not mean that He wants us to ignore other responsibilities. And as we pursue the Kingdom, we receive much grace and blessing in each of these other areas. Still, we must learn to prioritize and balance the five areas of wealth in our life as being a key to success with our time here.

What do you think? And more importantly, how’s your stewardship?

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