Economic Outlook & Stock Market Indicators Video – Pt 2

This economic outlook video looks into factors affecting the world & US economy as well as the stock market.  You can find part one here.  In this economic update, we look at factors such as investor & economist outlook, US exposure to the problems in Europe, employment, world food prices, strange animal deaths, the situation in Spain, and the housing market.

The problems in Europe are connected with the problems in the US and are coming to a head.  No matter how exciting the stock market rise might seem, the problems with employment and the housing market are not getting better and the real estate market is actually getting worse.

The media tells us that the economic outlook is much improved and the stock market certainly seems to be doing great….so everything must be ok, right?  This economic outlook looks deeper into what’s really going on, how that might affect the stock market and more importantly gives you some insight into how this will affect you.

We hope you enjoy this video.  We apologize for the poor picture quality of this video series, our camera was mysteriously fuzzy.  If you have not seen The Coming Storm video, you should do so immediately to have a fuller understanding of what lies ahead.  You can do so for free by going here.  Please let us know what you think of this presentation or if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below.

Some previous economic update videos we did can be found at 1) Hyperinflation in the US?, 2) Hyperinflation signs worldwide,  3) Stock Market & Economy Update, 4) Gold & Silver, and at 5) Government Horrors.  If you are receiving this post as an email or in a reader, you might have to click the post title to take you to the internet to watch the video.  thanks for watching!

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