Struggling With Investing In The Most Difficult Economy In History?

Your Fruitful Tree

Your Guide To Living A Stress Free Financial Life And Blessing Those You Love

Easy To Understand
Bite Sized Videos

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The Financial Secrets Banks & Wall Street Don’t Want You To Know

"Your Fruitful Tree is an amazing piece,
a thoughtful work."

Why “Your Fruitful Tree”?

Let’s face it. It’s a struggle figuring out who to take advice from and what to do financially in times like this. 

That’s where “Your Fruitful Tree” comes in.

A simple and concise system with action steps designed to take you from theory to security and then on to financial freedom.

Your Fruitful Tree Is The Secret To Biblically Centered Finances

Without Your Fruitful Tree:

With Your Fruitful Tree:

Ready to start down the pathway to
financial success?

Sign up for Your Fruitful Tree

Your Fruitful Tree Gives You A Clear Step By Step Pathway To Solidify Your Financial Future Using Proven Biblical Principles

Leaving a legacy and inheritance for your family is an important biblical principle. In this course, you will discover how to implement sound principles that will bless you and all your descendants for years to come.

But that’s not all Your Fruitful Tree does for you…

Inside Your Fruitful Tree you’ll also:

Your Fruitful Tree is a 4-week Video Course
that you take at your own pace.

You get…

Week 1:
Your Fruitful Future

Week 2:
The Roots

Week 3:
The Trunk

a. Safe
b. Grow as much as possible
c. In a Tax-Free way
d. Not be available to predators (lawsuits, etc.) 

Implementing these strategies will enable you to eliminate the risk of market crashes while allowing you to outperform those who do take on market risk.  All while legally avoiding taxes!

Week 4:
The Branches,
Leaves & Fruit 

Your Fruitful Tree Gives You Everything You Need To Set Yourself Apart From The Typical Gambling

Investor and Methodically and Biblically Prepare You And Your Family For The Future

"I believe that God wants to position some people to be an answer while others are hurting, and we give you the tools to be that blessing to those around you in difficult times.

From Traditional Financial Advisor to Faith-Fueled Steward

3 Steps to Financial Success


Sign Up:

Start your journey towards a secure financial future with the course that provides lifetime access to lessons you need to learn and resources.



Gain access to the lessons you can re-watch and learn at your own pace. Answer the accompanying worksheets to help reinforce your understanding of the lessons. 


Achieve Your Goals:

Be equipped and learn how to make informed decisions that can help you achieve financial freedom and security even during an economic crisis.

Choose The Plan Works That For You

One-Time Payment


Two-Month Payment


Want to hear what other Christians like yourself are saying about Your Fruitful Tree?

“Before meeting with Wes, we had a minimal knowledge of our finances.  We knew how much money we had and how much savings we had but we had no idea how we could put that to work for us now instead of waiting for retirement.

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