Gold & Silver Economic Update Video

Gold & Silver are enjoying a decade long bull run.  Recently, they’ve hit monstrous new highs.  Will it last?  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on the most important factors of the last month which affect the gold and silver markets and is part fourof a six part series of Economic Update Videos.  We look at everything from signs that the bullion bank silver manipulation might be coming to an end to crazy recommendations by some that the Fed sell all our gold.  (We no longer have any silver.)

We include quotes and information from CFTC Chairman Bart Chilton and signs that JP Morgan Chase might be ending their long siege against the silver price (although this most recent week calls that into question again.)  Ted Truman editorializes in the Financial Times that the US should sell its gold.

Silver Ealge and Gold Buffalo pricing and availability has changed.  We also look at the recent actions of Europe’s Central Banks and include some interesting tidbits from speeches of both fomer and current Federal Reserve Chairmen (Alan Greenspan & Ben Bernanke).

Add all this up and the possibility of the long awaited short squeeze in both gold and silver could be quickly upon us.  These are exciting days to be in the gold and silver markets!

We hope you enjoy this video.  If you have not seen The Coming Storm video, you should do so immediately to have a fuller understanding of what lies ahead.  You can do so for free by going here.

The previous economic update videos we did can be found at 1) Hyperinflation in the US?, 2) Hyperinflation signs worldwide, and at 3) Stock Market & Economy Update.  If you are receiving this post as an email or in a reader, you might have to click the post title to take you to the internet to watch the video.  thanks for watching!

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