Just like a tree, it takes time for spiritual growth to develop from being merely a seed into a full-grown tree and bear fruit. But to a farmer, the most pleasant moment of his labor is seeing just how many fruits he can harvest from the tree.
-What is spiritual fruit? Can you list a few?
-What is the relationship between spiritual growth and spiritual fruits?
-How do we grow in our spiritual life?
-What is a spiritual gift? Can you list a few?
-How do we use spiritual gifts in terms of serving the Body of Christ?
Questions for Meditation and Application
-What is the relationship between spiritual fruit and spiritual gifts?
-What do you think of the role of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in the maturing of your spiritual life?
-Make a list of the most valuable spiritual fruits to you. Why are these the ones you chose?
-Make a list of the most valuable natural gifts you have. What do you think you can do with them?
-Make a list of the most valuable spiritual gifts you have. What do you think you can do with them?
This is _Part 6_, the last in the series Spiritual Gifts and Fruits. To use this as a growth tool to better understand your own calling, you might start by reading the explanation of this series, Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 and Pt 5.
Photo credit: characterplayer