As we prepare for this coming mission trip back to “the Land” of Israel, we wanted to give a little bit more insight into this trip. We leave tomorrow, and today wanted to share some more about the Jewish roots of our Faith.
Kara and I have in the last two weeks begun to keep the Sabbath by celebrating a Shabbath dinner on Friday nights in the way that Jesus and His Disciples would have. This is a Jewish tradition that has been going on for thousands of years is already proving to be a rich way to honor the Lord.
In doing research over how we should conduct our celebrations, I was pointed to a wonderful site that has a lot of information about the roots of our faith. This beautiful family seems to be richly blessed in celebrating the faith as prescribed by God and I wanted to share Lisa’s site.
This particular post speaks about Shavuot (Pentecost) being a celebration of the Betrothal between God and His people. I was amazed when I read this because two years ago, on this day, I proposed to my bride Kara without knowing this connotation! You can read about that here.
As a very quick refresher… Shavuot is the day that Moses received the Law from God on Mt. Sinai. It is also the day that the Disciples of Yeshua (Jesus, as He was called during His life), received the Holy Spirit (the Law written on their hearts) that Yeshua had promised when He left the earth for good.
This blog does a wonderful job of explaining this very important holiday that is quickly approaching…
I want to invite you to pray for our team that is going there on this upcoming trip. I am going to do my best to update this site daily to let you know what is going on. They tend to work us really hard, so I can’t be sure I’ll always be able to do this, but I will do my best to. Thanks for your support!
If you will be praying, we’d love it if you’d send us an email to