Let’s add a few words about tithing that have come up since we last wrote on the subject. We’re going to address a couple of issues which have come up where maybe we didn’t fully cover them before. We’ve had a few people asking two major questions and while we’ve somewhat answered these in previous posts, we’re going to look at these two questions again…
1) Isn’t tithing an Old Testament Law that was replaced by Jesus’ work on the Cross?
2) Where should my tithe go?
Many believers today feel that the tithe is an Old Testament Law which has been done away with.
The New Covenant does bring freedom from the written Law. Therefore, someone who is very mature and able to fully submit to Him, does not need to worry about any written Law that prescribes 10%. However, through God, His Law can now be written on our hearts and taught to us in a living and personal way as we go through life. However, this requires a great deal of maturity. Are you fully mature in the Spirit in order to hear and follow Him in these matters? Many people carry huge wounds from the enemy surrounding the issue of money and will call themselves mature and say that tithing is not necessary for them, when in actuality, they are holding fast to the world and loving Mammon instead of God.
The Law which we have inherited through the Spirit comes to us through a series of Covenants which trace back to Abraham. He is our Father of Faith! And he proved this faith by tithing to Melchizedek, of whose order you are called to be a Priestly King. If then, this spiritual bond was sealed with a tithe (which was long before the Law of Moses was written) , isn’t it likely that this spiritual principle is alive and well within the Spiritual Law passed on to us?
Again, when one has been established in a high level of maturity in the Lord, I do believe that the strict letter of 10% might not be so important. However, when you reach this point, it is also likely that you are giving more than this amount. If this is the case, you are truly free in the Spirit.
A spiritual principle that proves true time and time again in the Life is that wisdom comes through obedience. When you submit in obedience to the wisdom of the Lord (even when you don’t understand it), you will come to new wisdom and understanding that goes beyond words. He will teach you through your actions and the results bring more than any teaching can ever teach you.
Still, each person is in a different place and what is possible for one person is too much a burden for another. Feel free to ease into tithing if that is all that you are comfortable with. We have spoken about the many people who are blessed for jumping in to tithing when they were very uncomfortable to do so. But if what you are able to do today is only in part, we believe that the Lord will honor your efforts.
Thursday, we’ll speak more about where to give your tithe.
Photo credit: .martin