Does Your Investment Utilize your Human Life Value?

Who you are is your biggest advantage as an investor.  Your experience, the things you know, and the abilities that you have give you a unique edge that no other person can touch.  These attributes along with others make up your Human Life Value.  To ignore this, your greatest asset, when it comes time to […]

Tragedy Strikes Ben, But He Owns a Whole Life Insurance Policy

Everything was going well for Ben and Kim.   They had broken free from the groupthink of financial planning that seemed to yo-yo their friends from elation when markets are up, to horror at their savings disappearing when markets are down. Everything was going exactly according to plan with their whole life insurance policy. But this […]

Do You Really Need Life Insurance?

Anyone who has a family can imagine how dying prematurely would devastate the family, including financially.  But most people fail to realize the huge financial shortfall such a death would cause, which is why insuring your HLV is so important.  At Kingdom Calling, we have clients that insure themselves for more than they can imagine […]

Automobile Insurance

“No one knows what is coming-who can tell him what will happen after him?” (Eccelsiastes 10:14) These are numbers that we often see in our office: 50,000/100,000/50,000 Do you know what they mean?  You probably recognize that you have the same or similar numbers on your car insurance, but 9 out of 10 people that […]

Who is Better at Insurance: You or the Insurance Company?

Some people believe that insurance companies are evil empires designed to remove you from your money, but did you know that they won’t insure a single thing for more than it is worth?  If you have a home that is worth $250,000, you cannot insure it for $1,000,000.  The insurance companies know that they would […]

Protecting What You Value Most

“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” (Proverbs 10:25) As we look at insurance, it’s necessary to bring up the many destructive events that could possibly occur in your future.  These are unpleasant to think about and easy to mentally avoid, yet they are possible and […]

The Rock

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.” (Proverbs 27:12) Let’s look more closely at the roots of your Fruitful Tree.  As mentioned, this is the protection of your tree.  In your financial life, protection is garnered through the use of contracts.  The two primary types of […]

Computing Your Own Net Worth

Net Worth is the sum total of assets minus liabilities. In financial terms, when you subtract all the money that you owe from that which you own – you are left with your net worth.  Most financial pundits consider this the be all/end all number defining your wealth.  As you’ll see, cash flow is a […]

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