What Kinds of Arbitrage Does Your Business Utilize?

Every great business utilizes arbitrage and leverage.  They do it in many different ways, but to have a big impact on the world, these forces must be involved.  The classic example is borrowing money at a low cost in order to put it to work at a higher cost.  This is in itself is the […]

Bank Crises Economic Update Video

A bank crises is brewing that could end up being worse than the 2008 banking crises.  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on what is happening in the banking sector that most people are ignoring to their peril.  It is part six of a six part series of Economic Update Videos. […]

Capitalizing on Unique Ability

We’re discussing ways to analyze investments.  When discussing leverage, we touched on this next point, but let’s take it further.  God  made each person in this world absolutely unique.  When a unique individual applies what he has been given in an effective way to the marketplace,  something special is created.  (Obviously it takes more than […]

Two Types of Leverage

1) Leveraging relationships – Let’s say that you have assets to invest, but aren’t sure what to invest in.  You have a friend who has expertise in a particular field but can’t capitalize on it as much as the potential is there for without more capital.  You can each leverage what the other has to […]

When Analyzing an Investment, What are the Underlying Economic Principles that Make it Work?

Every investment opportunity, financial product, or business opportunity must take advantage of economic principles to be successful.  It’s important for you to understand what these are so you have a basis for knowing the dynamics  involved in bringing success to your overall financial planning. Whether you’re looking at a real estate, stock, bond, gold, silver, […]

Tithing, Leverage & Velocity

The tithe can also help us understand a couple of financial principles. We’ll cover these in more concrete ways later, but tithing utilizes both leverage and velocity. We’ve already spoken about the fact that when we tithe, we are giving something that is not ours to help someone else and in return receiving future benefit. […]

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