The Case for Gold, Silver & Oil: Economic Update

Gold, silver and oil are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. The price of gold, silver & oil will skyrocket in the years ahead.  This video looks at the reasons why and the opportunities for you. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm […]

US Economic Outlook: Economic Update

A US economic update discussed in today’s video as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll focus on the US Economic & stock market crash outlook featuring unemployment & foreclosure information & economic indicators pointing towards stock market crash soon. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we […]

Signs of Depression Video: Economic Update Jobs Etc.

Signs of depression discussed in today’s economic update as we continue our economic update discussion.  We’ll look at the issues of depression, jobs, oil, China, the Middle East, and upcoming economic indicators. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we put out in November which describes in detail […]

What Would Severe Inflation Look Like?

This is conjecture, but let’s spend a little time trying to think about what our physical life will look like if/when the Dollar starts losing value dramatically.  We can’t think through every scenario, nor will we paint a perfect picture, but let’s paint one regardless. The best guess here is that at some point, the […]

What Would it Take to Push the US Economy Over the Edge?

We’ve established that the US has an untenable amount of debt which is growing at incredible rates, and that foreigners are becoming more and more uncomfortable holding this debt and dollars in general.  The US is in a precarious position, and those of us who live here are the ones who will most feel whatever […]

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