The Essence of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God

Now, we will briefly discuss the essence of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Do you understand the full impact of the gospel?
Do you understand the full impact of the gospel?

In the beginning God created man in His own image and likeness. His intention was that He would have many sons to be His Family and share His Glory. For this very reason, He created the heavens and earth and everything in it and gave Adam and Eve, the first couple He created, the role to rule all creation on His behalf, multiply their own kind, and subdue everything.

He walked with them and instructed them in His wisdom, in hope that they would learn of His character and mature into His nature as they fellowshipped together. But man rebelled and was lured by the serpent  – the Devil.  Adam and Eve failed the test and partook of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were thus expelled from God’s presence and weren’t able to eat from the tree of life. Sin entered the world through Adam, and, thus, death.

At just the right time, God sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus.  Jesus was born of a woman, became a man of flesh and blood, and in essence, became the last Adam.  He tasted our pain and sorrow as a man.

More than that, He willingly died on our behalf. He took our sin upon Himself and was crucified on a cross, at the persecution of His own, the Jews, and Gentiles, and the Romans. Thus He could forgive the sins of those who repent and receive baptism in His name. After He died, He went to the Deep and restored those who put their faith in Him, the hope of eternal life.

He also ascended to God’s presence and sat down as His right hand.  Thus He could grant authority and power, as it was given to Him by the Father, to those who would become His church to subdue everything under Him in face of the opposition of the Evil One and his agents while living on this earth.

Whoever believes Him and His Kingdom, would be given the gift of the Holy Spirit and eternal life and be included as citizens of His Kingdom and members of the Family of God.

And through His church, the embodiment of His Kingdom and Family of His Father on earth as well as in heaven, He would subdue everything under His feet. When He has done this, He will hand His kingdom back to the Father, who will fill Himself all in all.

In the following days, we will expound further.

This post is _Part 5_ in a series on the Kingdom of God.  To continue with this series, click on Part 6. To use this as a growth tool to better understand your own calling, you might start by reading the explanation of this series and then read Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3 and Pt 4.

Photo credit: alexanderrachmann

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