Bearing the Image and Likeness of God Symposium

Whose image do you bear when you reflect on your self?
Whose image do you bear when you reflect on your self?

Bearing the Image and Likeness of God Symposium

Tonight at 7:30pm

700 E. 11th St (TMTA Bldg)

Austin, TX 78701

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to attend

God designed us in His Image…with a plan to grow us into His Likeness.  But somewhere along the way, we took a wrong turn!  My life looks a far cry from God-like…how about yours?

If Man does not yet appear to have the image and likeness of God, is God a failure?  Or will He bring about His purposes in Man?  Will He claim for Himself a people whom He emblazons upon His likeness?  In whom resides His Glory?  I’m not talking about the watered down glory of Sunday school lessons, but the type that strikes at the heart of all created things (those we can see and those we can’t) as the living incarnation of the Glory of God.

He has promised to do this.  I believe Him!  The image and likeness of God is more than just a cute phrase in Genesis.  It is the fullness of God’s life that He wants to give to us. And I believe that the reality of these things is far closer than we think, and far more amazing than we can imagine.  But the road is narrow.  Many will step off this road.  I really want to walk down that narrow road!

We’ll be talking about the image and likeness of God and what He intends to do in this season tonight at 7:30pm.  My prayer is that the Lord will teach us.  There have been two parts to the two most recent symposiums.  In the first, I teach.  I think it’s gone pretty well.  Most people seemed to like it.  But in the second, we discussed, and I’ve really thought those times were fantastic.  Real authentic conversations about the deep things of the Lord.  If you’re signed up to receive the newsletter, you’ll get a link to my part, but you’ve got to come to the event to get the second part.  With the Lord, the latter part is always the best part.

We will go into more detail of this topic in this post.

Photo credit: Meredith Farmer

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