Could Covid-19 be the trigger for Economic Collapse?

The coronavirus will have a major economic impact on the world and US economy even if no one you know gets sick.  Obviously, if everyone is the US becomes terrified to leave their homes that would do it, but I don’t want this post to be about fear of getting sick or dying, so in […]

The Time of the Locusts (an Economic Update)

A month or two ago, I began noticing that I am seeing way more cicadas than I have ever seen before.  The Lord brought the book of Joel to mind since a cicada seems like the closest thing we have to a locust.  And again, I’ve saw at least 10 times as many as I’ve […]

The Refurbishment of Israel, the gilding of His Bride!

We’ve not updated this blog in a long time, but the time is really at hand for much of what has been talked about here and it’s been seeming like a good time to post.  Yesterday morning my wife heard from the Lord in a way that really struck me, so let me share a […]

A Coming Storm Update

The following is a reprint of the March 2015 Coming Storm newsletter… A Coming Storm Update Good news.  The work of the Lord is progressing.  I haven’t written much in the past couple years in part because I didn’t have anything different to say than what I’ve already said.  I would write from time to […]

The Government has “Saved” us from the Government!

It appears as I write this that the government will come to a Debt Ceiling agreement just in the nick of time.  Of course, that has probably been their plan for months (and is exactly what I would have told you months ago if you had asked what they will do).  This appears to be […]

QE to Infinity

Could QE go on forever?  I think Jim Sinclair coined the term “QE to Infinity” to mean that the US Fed’s printing of money will never stop.  They can’t possibly stop it based on their current thinking and objectives.  What they are doing is an incredibly stupid idea, but their choice is basically to have […]

Gold & Silver: Backwardization & Conclusion

The gold and silver markets have had a crazy year with big drops in US dollar prices and a big bounce from the lows.  We’ve been discussing these markets here and here.  Today we’ll look at another big issue and conclude the focus on silver and gold before moving on to other topics… Backwardization This […]

Silver & Gold: This year’s smash on prices

What can be said about Silver & Gold prices this year?  We started a new blog series Tuesday by discussing today’s price action with that of the 1970’s and How to know when prices will start falling for good.  Today’s post is the second of three posts on gold and silver. We’ve talked ad nauseum […]

Gold & Silver Market Update

Gold & Silver prices in US dollars have had a wild ride this year.  Both fell dramatically earlier in the year and have had a strong bounce back up over the last two months.  Gold is up about $200 since the bottom while still being down about $300 for the year.  Likewise, silver is up […]

The Fiscal Cliff Explanation

The Fiscal Cliff (This is a Reprint of the November Newsletter which you can sign up for here) You’ve surely heard that there’s a “fiscal cliff” coming.  This newsletter will probably surprise you coming from me, but my guess is that more is being made of it then we’ll actually experience.  That said, I want […]

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