Are the problems in Europe going to bring to a head the problems in the US economy? Today’s economic update video focuses on what’s going on in Europe to help you keep abreast and decide for yourself. We’re continuing a series of videos which can be found here.
This European video looks at the grand “fix” that Europe put together 2 weeks ago which managed to hold everything together for oh…about 3 days! We examine whether or not even this not nearly large enough fix can pass the legislatures and judiciary in Germany, Slovakia, and Finland amongst others.
Bailouts are now needed in Cyprus too. Italy and Spain are having auctions fail as these over indebted countries struggle with austerity while their economies recede. These and more in the video below…
We hope you enjoy this video. If you have not seen The Coming Storm video, you should do so immediately to have a fuller understanding of what lies ahead. You can do so for free by going here. Please let us know what you think of this presentation or if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below.
The first several videos in this series can be found at: 1) US Economic Update Pt 1, 2) US Economic Update Pt 2, 3) US Economic Update Pt 3, & 4) Gold & Silver Update. The last series of economic update videos we did can be found at: 1) Update on the Economy, 2) European Debt Crises, & 3) World Economic News, & 4) Gold & Silver Facts!, 5) Gold & Silver Update, 6) Government Action, 7) Government Ineptitude, 8. Inflation, Deflation, & Hyperinflation Facts., & 9) Inflation, Deflation, & Hyperinflation Pt 2.
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