China has an economy with severe communist growing pains. Top down management and cheap labor have allowed China to grow at an incredible rate, but much of it was fake/unsustainable. Today, we look at the impact of this on the world economy. We’re continuing a series of videos which can be found here.
Today, we’ll look at factors such as: The recent Chinese audit that revealed $1.7 Trillion of local government debt that can’t possibly all be paid back, the increasing minimum wage and the effects this will have on inflation worldwide, the fraud scandals that have recently surfaced amongst Chinese stocks and the effects this is having on corporate liquidity, the failed Chinese Treasury auction, and the slowing Chinese PMI. We’ll also look at warning by the Bank of International Settlements to the world. These and more in the video below…
We hope you enjoy this video. If you have not seen The Coming Storm video, you should do so immediately to have a fuller understanding of what lies ahead. You can do so for free by going here. Please let us know what you think of this presentation or if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below.
The previous videos in this series can be found at: 1) US Economic Update Pt 1, 2) US Economic Update Pt 2, 3) US Economic Update Pt 3, & 4) Gold & Silver Update, & 5) European Economic Update. The last series of economic update videos we did can be found at: 1) Update on the Economy, 2) European Debt Crises, & 3) World Economic News, & 4) Gold & Silver Facts!, 5) Gold & Silver Update, 6) Government Action, 7) Government Ineptitude, 8. Inflation, Deflation, & Hyperinflation Facts., & 9) Inflation, Deflation, & Hyperinflation Pt 2.
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