The following is a reprint of the August 2011 Kingdom Calling Newsletter which was sent to subscribers on Wednesday, August 3rd. It’s interesting to notice that we saw multiple massive stock market crashes which started the day after this newsletter warning went out (down 10% so far)…oh and by the way, S&P downgraded the United States two days after this email. Read the newsletter now, and I’ll add a couple comments at the bottom. If you’d like to receive this newsletter (which is sent once a month) in the future & watch The Coming Storm video for free, you can do so here.
Your August 3rd, 2011 Kingdom Calling Newsletter
Almost 22 months ago, the Lord brought me to the book of Daniel and gave me the message that I’ve been calling “The Coming Storm.” In the presentation, I spoke of things like the United States losing its “royal authority” and extremely difficult times ahead, particularly for those in the US (Daniel 4:31-32). I kept my comments in that presentation primarily to economic shakings. We’ve certainly witnessed the world being shaken in many ways since then and you’ve surely noticed the economic forecasting done was quite accurate. But I certainly do not feel like we’ve seen the worst of what I was shown. And it’s never been mine to know the Lord’s timing. Today, I wanted to give you a short update with regards to this…
This past Sunday, the last day of July, I was seeking the Lord and asked for a scripture. He gave me Daniel 4. This was surprising because He’s not had me in Daniel for almost 2 years although I certainly remember that incredible day when He taught me from it. However, I don’t remember specifically which stories were contained in each chapter and I was surprised to hear “Ch 4” since that seemed in my memory to be more of transition chapter.
Upon opening the book, I saw that that wasn’t the case. The chapter deals with the great Tree vision of Nebuchadnezzar and I wanted to highlight two things for you today…
This time, my understanding from the Lord was not quite as powerful and clear as the previous. That being said, I believe he brought me back to this story to indicate the timing of the event. Before, I knew the message, but not the exact timing. I’m thinking he brought it back to me to indicate that the time is at hand.
I shared this with those who fellowship at our home on Monday nights 2 days ago and said, “I don’t know if that means a day, a month, or 6 months, but I believe these things are beginning in a much more dramatic way than what we’ve seen these past two years.”
Since yesterday was the worst day in the stock market in 2 years, I figured I better get this notice out to encourage you to sharpen your awareness and discernment for the voice of the Lord because things seem to be about to get interesting this second half of the year. You never want to make too much of a day in the stock market, but the market is nervous because the economic news coming out is getting worse and worse.
Secondly, I wanted to share about the tree. Most of my focus on this message previously has been on the fact that the parallels between the United States of today and Babylon of Daniel’s day are uncanny as laid out in chapter four. As well as the very harsh reality of what it would look like to have our tree cut down.
But on Sunday I sensed the Lord focusing me on whom He would have be the tree. Let’s look at the description…
“These are the visions I saw while lying in bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous. The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all. Under it the wild animals found shelter, and the birds lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed. “ (Daniel 4:10-12)
Here’s Daniels interpretation of these verses…
“The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the wild animals, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds— Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.” (Daniel 4:20-22)
This could certainly describe the United States today. But God never intended for a country, a government of Man, to rule the world for Him. The people of Christ’s day had a really hard time understanding this and constantly wanted to make Jesus the King of Israel so that He would throw off Roman rule. But this was never God’s intent.
He had in mind a Kingdom that is not of this world. You’ll recall my talking of the vision of Daniel 2 and it being the time where the “rock cut out of a mountain” would break those of iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. Today is the time of the Kingdom.
When I read this description of the tree, I could see a glorified Church. A Kingdom not of this world (nor necessarily of those with perfect Sunday School attendance), but made up of those who know and submit themselves fully to the King. I see the Lord equipping these to be ready and able to provide the food and shelter that a desperate and hungry world needs. I believe this is part of the plan of the Lord. I believe in the miracles of the loaves and fishes (and actually believe an incredible miracle of this sort is underway even now!)
I believe that God is doing such an amazing and wonderful thing in our day. Don’t allow yourself to be fearful when God is disciplining us for our good. As we grow through this time, we will come to know Him as never before. Spend your time instead in wonder at who the Lord is and open yourself up to how He might be speaking to or leading you.
You never see most of what we do at Kingdom Calling by receiving all our free information. If you’ve never reached out to me before and set up a time to discuss how we might help you prepare your family so that you can be more of a blessing to others….I encourage you to do so quickly. As stated above, I believe the time is now crucial. Reply to this email, I’d love to speak with you.
Thanks and have a blessed day!
Wes Bridel
After the market crashes directly subsequent to the release of this The Coming Storm reminder newsletter, the stock market has somewhat recovered although it crashed hard again yesterday. This message was really not a stock market prediction, but a much bigger warning on the US, it’s economy, and standing in the world. That being said, as volatility increases, it seems like a really strong bet that the stock market will see some major crashes along the way.
The stock market is also a commentary on the economy as a whole. An argument can be made that the US Dollar will fall so hard that stock prices will be much higher in nominal terms a few years down the road. However, there could be (and I believe will be) massive crashes that come before this. And if the people are broke, they’re not going to keep their money in stocks while they’re hungry.
Again, I don’t know the details on how things will progress, but the Coming Storm events that we knew were coming are now upon us. The fantastic news is the amazing way the Lord is pouring out His spirit in these days. This is not without purpose. But it will certainly shake all of us so that we all begin to seek what’s important.
If you’d like to read some of our original postings on the Coming Storm and Daniel you can read more about it here and in Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8, & Pt 9.