Mission Trip – Day 3, cont’d: May 19, 2007

So many amazing things happened on that third day in Israel, but one that is both funny and at the same time fills me with wonder, is one that involves my then girlfriend, now bride, Kara.  Mike invited a whole group from the largest congregation in Tel Aviv to join so that everyone could pray for others.  I think this was a bit scary for most because they weren’t expecting this and perhaps had never done such a thing.  Kara had quite a few people come up to her for prayer.  She didn’t know what to do because she couldn’t speak the same language as the woman wanting prayer from her.  So, Kara just began praying.  She, however, made the mistake of closing her eyes, so she didn’t see when the woman began to fall.

A willing heart plus believing in the power of prayer can lead to the miraculous
A willing heart plus believing in the power of prayer can lead to the miraculous

She had never been used by God in this way and so she wasn’t expecting such a thing to happen.  As the woman was going down, Kara realized something was happening and opened her eyes, but really too late to do much of anything other than watch her hit the ground.  She stared in amazement as the woman was in the deep embrace of the Lord with a smile on her face!  Kara was much more on guard for what God might do as the next few came up to her and was able to catch the other one or two who God touched in this way.  This didn’t happen with all she prayed for, and she had no idea why it did when it did.

I know that God uses us to bless each other.  He wants us all to come together in unity.  Perhaps the blessing that He had delivered to us that morning was now being poured out by these willing vessels on our team.  Kara didn’t have the desire, or even the thought in her head, for this thing to happen.  But she wanted to be used by the Lord to bless these people and that is all He needed to do what He needed to do.

I wonder if I am doing everything I can to set aside my agenda and be ready and willing to be used in whatever way He needs me.  What about you?

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