This Gold & Silver video helps you understand what is going on in the silver and gold markets so that you can be more fully informed to decide what place these metals should have in your portfolio. This video will discuss what’s been going on over the last 3 months. We’re continuing a series of videos which can be found here..
Today, we’ll look at factors affecting the silver and gold markets such as: 1) We ended up doing a pretty big introduction to understand what’s going on with metals pricing. This was an off the cuff explanation, but it will hopefully help you better informed on how the pricing structure and movement works within the metals. 2) We also discuss the valuation in the metals. 3) Gold demand has jumped recently and we also cover the large purchases that are beginning to be consistently made by the Central Banks. 4) We discuss the discussion of the uses of gold going mainstream in European financial circles. %) We give you a glimpse into the massive place Asia has taken in these markets and what means going forward. All that and more in the video below…
We hope you enjoy this video. If you have not seen The Coming Storm video, you should do so immediately to have a fuller understanding of what lies ahead. You can do so for free by going here. Please let us know what you think of this presentation or if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below.
This is the fourth in a new series of Economic Update Videos. You can watch the previous videos at: 1) European Debt Crises, 2) European Debt Crises 2, 3) MF Global, 4) Gold & Silver Pt 1, 5) Gold & Silver Pt 2, & 6) Gold & Silver Pt 3. You can see the most recent set of Economic Update videos at: 1) Europe Economic Update 1, 2) Europe Economic Update 2, 3) Europe Crises Explained, 4) World Economic Update, 5) US Economic Update, 6) US Economic Update 2, 7) US Economic Update 3, 8) Hyperinflation Signs, 9) Hyperinflation, Inflation, or Deflation?, 10) Gold Update, & 11) Gold & Silver Update.