Does Your Investment Offer Immediate Cash Flow?

How do you know if an investment is profitable?  The quickest and surest way to know is if it pays you.  Preferably often and amply!  We’re going to break away from our discussion of bonds to examine why…Cash flow is the truest measure of the success of an investment.  Sometimes the best speculations might demand […]

Cash Flow

The only true way to know that an investment is worthy of your capital is to measure the cash that it produces. You might have savings (such as gold or silver) that produce no cash flow for you, but when analyzing an investment you need to be very aware of its cash flow potential. If […]

The Feast

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:5-6) The Feast is the time where you enjoy […]

So Why do You Need Savings?

“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but the foolish man devours all he has.” (Prov. 21:20) What will you do if your car breaks down?  What if you lose your job?  Or are disabled and must wait a while before your insurance kicks in?  We could list any […]

Assets That Produce

In the passage we cited Saturday, Isaiah shows that the land is the farmer’s asset, and God teaches how to use it to produce.  Not many of us are farmers today, but the concept remains profound: We should have assets that produce for us. If we seek Him, God will guide us in the ways […]

Accumulation vs Cash Flow

As we’ve repeatedly stated, here, here, and here for example,  cash flow is a much better indicator of true wealth than net worth. Net worth is a static number that doesn’t impact your life.  As a matter of fact, the more wealth that you have accumulated, the more unlikely you are to want to dig […]

They’re Only Tools

Financial assets and liabilities are simply tools.  Nothing more – nothing less.  A common mistake people make is attaching too much emotion to certain assets or liabilities.  This often prompts poor decisions. No financial asset in and of itself can directly make your life better.  There is no inherent value in them other than the […]

Computing Your Own Net Worth

Net Worth is the sum total of assets minus liabilities. In financial terms, when you subtract all the money that you owe from that which you own – you are left with your net worth.  Most financial pundits consider this the be all/end all number defining your wealth.  As you’ll see, cash flow is a […]

His Most Trusted Servant

If we are called to be stewards of all that God gives us, what does that mean? As you’re faithful with what you have, God will increase what He trusts you with. A steward in biblical times was the most highly favored and most trusted servant.  He managed all the household affairs of his master […]

Kingdom Calling vs. Financial Advisors: Hoarding Hurts

Financial advisors encourage you to be miserly and have the smallest possible impact on the world. This is the same financial advice given in most churches, either because that advice is coming from lay people or from church members who are practicing “traditional financial planning.” And for a lot of folks it’s not horrible advice, […]

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