People Want More Than Their Governments Can Give
I read an interesting article recently called “The Rage of the Indignants” which talks about the phenomenon sweeping the globe of people being fed up with their governments and leaders. This article is from Spiegel in Germany and focuses on the mass movements of people in many of the major capitals of Europe revolting against […]
Prosperity vs. Discipline
Picking up from our last post on image and likeness, there’s been a prosperity movement in the Church that says God wants everything for us that our flesh wants because Jesus suffered so we don’t have to. This is wrong and ignorant of many parts of scripture. It’s a fleshly/worldly way of thinking. What about […]
Questions for Revelation on Natural & Spiritual Laws
Beyond our natural reality, there is a spiritual or heavenly reality which is also subjected to the conflicts of two Kingdoms, yet this takes places not without order and set rules. We will define these as natural laws and spiritual laws. 1. How do you perceive laws in different contexts: social laws, natural laws, moral […]
Law and Order, Discipline and Freedom
All realities are governed by set rules or laws and a lower reality subject to a higher reality. It takes something supernatural to enable a lower entity to enter into and enjoy the power and privilege of a higher reality. Because of the mystical nature of the spiritual reality and because of the unhealthy, evil […]
Natural and Spiritual Laws
Beyond our natural reality, there is a spiritual or heavenly reality which is also subjected to the conflicts of two Kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness. Yet this takes places with order and a set of rules. We will define these as natural laws and spiritual laws and give some basic […]
Questions for Meditation and Application – Sanctification
Questions for Review What is the relationship between sanctification and discipline? What is the relationship between discipleship and discipline? What feelings and results come from a loving, constructive relationship between a father and son?
Specific Scripture on Sanctification, Discipline & Holiness
The Holy Spirit given to us by God will initiate and carry out a process to sanctify our spirit, soul and body, making us without spot and blemish in the day of the Lord, suitable to be His Bride. As well, we are to be disciplined in the process. There lies my and your part […]
In the end, the purpose of Godly discipline is not to showcase how godly or spiritual we are, but rather, that we are truly able to abide in Him and bear many fruits. ( John 15:5 ) In other words – that we are able to live a life in and by the Spirit, which […]
Self-Discipline and Discipline within God’s Family
The Lord entrusts His discipline of us to three different parties: The Holy Spirit Before He went to the cross, Jesus told his disciples that it’s for their benefit that He should go. He told them that another would be sent on His behalf to teach them. John 14:25-26 [NIV] 25″All this I have spoken […]
A Father’s Discipline to A Son
As mentioned before, God created Man as His sons. He desires to walk with Man and discipline or disciple him into His Likeness – to be just like Him. We are created to bear His Name and share His Glory. It was the constant theme of His message to the people He chose to be […]