Update on US Economy (Pt 2)
This economic update video helps you understand what is going on in the US economy and markets so that you can be more fully informed to decide how to position your portfolio & prepare your family. This video will discuss what’s been going on over the last 3 months. We’re continuing a series of videos […]
US Economic Update
This economic update video helps you understand what is going on in the US economy and markets so that you can be more fully informed to decide how to position your portfolio & prepare your family. This video will discuss what’s been going on over the last 3 months. We’re continuing a series of videos […]
European Crises Update
Europe, or more specifically its common currency, is founded on an idea more fairy tale than sound economics. This tale is coming quickly to its not so happy ending. This Economic Update Video looks at what’s happened recently and prepares you for what’s next. We’re continuing a series of videos which can be found here. […]
Gold & Silver Update
Gold has rocketed higher in the last month and Silver is up just as much for the year. Today, we’re going to look into exactly what is going on in these markets. We’re continuing a series of videos which can be found here. This video looks at the big news over the last month in […]
US Economy – Economic Update Video
The US economy has been struggling along for 2 years now since the last recession officially ended…or did it ever really end? Now we see the stock market crashing with unbelievable ferocity. Today’s economic update video will study what’s going on. We’re continuing a series of videos which can be found here. This video looks […]
Government Ineptitude Destroys Economic Growth
Government is inherently bad for economic growth.The more of one, the less of the other. This is proven throughout history & location. We look at recent events demonstrating this fact in today’s economic update video. The first video in this latest iteration of a continuing series of economic updates can be found here. In this […]
The Most Interesting Stories of the Last Month
I’ve spent a large part of the last two days going through the foot and a half tall pile of papers that have accumulated since my last economic update videos. I’ll be shooting those videos soon and releasing them over the next couple weeks. first of all, I’m sorry that it’s been almost 4 months […]
Economic Update Video – Real Estate, Food Crises, etc
This economic outlook video looks into factors affecting the world & US economy as well as the real estate market. You can find all the economic update videos here. In this economic update, we update you on multiple issues involving real estate such as President Obama’s plan for mortgages, the US records being set in […]
Government Horror Economic Update Video
The government has been slowly taking away the rights of the people one at a time. They have set things up for a drastic change to come. This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on the most important changes in the governments both here and abroad. It is part five of a […]
Hyperinflation, Deflation & the Currency War
Hyperinflation is a horrible disaster. Will is strike the US? Deflation is a grinding economy killer. Will this be our fate? Today’s video is an Update on hyperinflation, deflation, & currency wars. Most of the world has undertaken policies to debase their own currencies at the expense of their own poor and middle class for […]