Five Facets of Money

1.    Money is a power in the natural as well as in the spiritual. It can be a power over us if we allow it to be our idol, or it can be a great power for us to do His work or enjoy as He would have us to.  It is basically neutral in […]

Walk by Faith – Pt 1 (Mt 14:13-36)

When we put trust in Jesus, what happens?  He will do miracles!  Yesterday, we looked at the two greatest prophets being cast out by God’s people.  Today and tomorrow we’ll look at Jesus’ two major miracles of Ch.14, and hopefully come to better understand how we can see more of the miraculous in our lives. […]

His Most Trusted Servant

If we are called to be stewards of all that God gives us, what does that mean? As you’re faithful with what you have, God will increase what He trusts you with. A steward in biblical times was the most highly favored and most trusted servant.  He managed all the household affairs of his master […]

God’s Tithe to Us

In Genesis, God gave us a picture of what was to come. He promised Abraham that even though he was extremely old he would have children and build a nation of people from him and eventually bless the world through him. Abraham waited and got even older. He eventually did have Isaac. God then told […]

Historical Standard Bearers

We’ve been discussing Biblical stewardship.  There are many examples of stewardship throughout the Bible. Most of the great figures of the Old Testament were called to steward for God’s purposes. Moses (Hebrews 3:1-6), Joshua, the Judges, and the Kings were all called to steward God’s people Israel. Some did pretty well – some horribly. Daniel […]

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