Is the Investment Insured or Collateralized? (Part 2)

We began on Friday looking at ways to insure or collateralize your investment.  This is one of the most important ways to ensure that you will be getting your principle back!  Today we’ll look at some concrete examples. One common example of this is seen in hard money lending.  Hard money is used in all […]

Is the Investment Insured or Collateralized? (Part 1)

When making a new investment, most people never stop to think about what can go wrong because they’re so excited about the profits that they will earn.  But spending time thinking about this (not in fear, but simply thinking through all the possibilities) is exactly the thing that can keep you from being in a […]

Do You Understand the Investment Adequately to Make Your Own Decision?

Understanding a prospective investment is critical before taking the plunge.  And yet, most people make investments everyday that they don’t understand at all.  We’re continuing our discussion on the important questions to ask yourself when doing due diligence.  Today’s might point to the biggest reason most people do so poorly in their investing careers.  You […]

Deflation, Inflation, or a Rosy Road Ahead? (and What it Means for Your Family)

Next Event: “How to be a Steady Investor in Turbulent Times” Tuesday, March 16th at 7:30pm (one week from today!) 700 E. 11th St, Austin, TX 78701 Sign up Here Most economists today see us entering a protracted deflationary depression similar to the Great Depression.  Others (including many of the most spectacularly successful investors of […]

The Importance of Value Creation

The other day, we began looking at value propositions within investment choices.  Today, we’ll continue that with a few more examples. 1)      Let’s say that you live in a hot real estate market and values have been driving up.  You’re considering buying one of three properties. The first is a single family home in a […]

What is the Value Proposition of the Investment?

Is it important that value be delivered to the marketplace when you’re considering investing in a company or enterprise?  Do you understand what value is being delivered to the market and why that value is beneficial to others? These are important questions that are too often ignored by investors.  Too often we get mesmerized by […]

Who is Accountable if the Investment Goes Wrong (loss, default, etc.)?

When it comes to your investing, “Where does the buck stop?”  Anytime you get involved with an investment, you do so because you believe that it will go well.  One of the most important things to do when making any new investment decision is to think through all the possible negative outcomes so you have […]

Capitalizing on Unique Ability

We’re discussing ways to analyze investments.  When discussing leverage, we touched on this next point, but let’s take it further.  God  made each person in this world absolutely unique.  When a unique individual applies what he has been given in an effective way to the marketplace,  something special is created.  (Obviously it takes more than […]

Cash Flow

The only true way to know that an investment is worthy of your capital is to measure the cash that it produces. You might have savings (such as gold or silver) that produce no cash flow for you, but when analyzing an investment you need to be very aware of its cash flow potential. If […]

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