Europe Will Experience a Sovereign Default (and Perhaps Multiple Defaults) in 2012

We spoke on Friday about the possibility of sovereign default in Europe.  There is the possibility that the European Central Bank (ECB) will print enough money to bail out all the problem countries.  However, this would surely lead to hyperinflation and since Germany is still the main power in Europe, this seems unlikely to us […]

Europe Undergoing Severe Recession

It might be obvious to all now that Europe will not escape a severe recession.  At the time we first wrote this prediction, the media talk was about how the rest of Europe was pulling together and saving Greece. Well, they’ve “saved” Greece and now Greece is back in trouble.  They’ve “saved” the European banks […]

Economic Outlook & Stock Market Indicators Video – Pt 2

This economic outlook video looks into factors affecting the world & US economy as well as the stock market.  You can find part one here.  In this economic update, we look at factors such as investor & economist outlook, US exposure to the problems in Europe, employment, world food prices, strange animal deaths, the situation […]

Bank Crises Economic Update Video

A bank crises is brewing that could end up being worse than the 2008 banking crises.  This economic update is intended to quickly catch you up on what is happening in the banking sector that most people are ignoring to their peril.  It is part six of a six part series of Economic Update Videos. […]

Inflation, the United States Dollar, Gold, & the World Economy: Economic Update

Inflation, the United States Dollar, gold, & the world economy is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. We’ll examine the world economy and show indicators of inflation and how that can impact the United States Dollar & gold. This is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm […]

Sovereign Debt Crises & Hyperinflation: Economic Update

Sovereign debt crises and hyperinflation are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. The US & other Western Countries face a serious threat of Sovereign Debt Crises which could lead to hyperinflation which would be devastating to not only your assets, but your way of life.  This video points out […]

Market Crash (Old News): Economic Update

The likelihood that a huge Market crash has begun is discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series.   This economic update video explains some of the leading economic indicators of a market crash. This economic update is part of a series which follows The Coming Storm that we filmed in […]

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