Gold & Silver Update Video
The Gold & Silver Markets could be an extremely important part of your lifeboat strategy for troubled times. What’s happening in the market? In this silver and gold video we explore the factors affecting the market so that you can be educated on how best to use the metals for your protection and savings. We’re […]
Asset Management in a Crazy Economy
Asset Management is difficult in a crazy economy. We’ve been talking about the possibilities of deflation and hyperinflation. So if difficult times are ahead, which asset classes are the ones which will best safeguard and grow what you have been giving to steward? We don’t know! Please understand that this blog is meant to help […]
Disability Insurance Riders
Disability insurance has many variables. We spoke recently about the basics of Disability Insurance. Today we’ll cover some of the most popular Riders that people choose to make their policy really give them the benefits that they want their policy to have. Of course, each extra benefit has a cost, so you must craft the […]
Financial Advisor: Wes Bridel
We’re looking at changing the Financial Advisor: About Wes Bridel page and several others of the site. When we first put up the site, I hired people to help me and they basically wrote what they wanted to. This is my attempt to quickly tell my story (in 3rd person!) in a more relevant way. […]
Do You Know the People Involved in Generating the Investment Returns?
We’ve been discussing investment due diligence questions. People are almost always what are most important in any investment. Who is in charge of generating the returns? Do you know them? What reason do you have for believing they will be a success? Whether it’s a small venture or a large public corporation, the people who […]
Is the Investment Insured or Collateralized? (Part 1)
When making a new investment, most people never stop to think about what can go wrong because they’re so excited about the profits that they will earn. But spending time thinking about this (not in fear, but simply thinking through all the possibilities) is exactly the thing that can keep you from being in a […]
Do You Understand the Investment Adequately to Make Your Own Decision?
Understanding a prospective investment is critical before taking the plunge. And yet, most people make investments everyday that they don’t understand at all. We’re continuing our discussion on the important questions to ask yourself when doing due diligence. Today’s might point to the biggest reason most people do so poorly in their investing careers. You […]
Is the Investment a One Time Only Opportunity or Will There be Future Opportunities?
When studying an investment, it’s important to know where this type of investment fits into your overall investing plans. In other words, will you be making similar investments to this one in the future or is this only a one time shot? An investment that is of a type or style where you know you […]
More on Inflation, Deflation & Hyperinflation
We’ve been discussing inflation and deflation and today we’ll dig more into hyperinflation. If the world has figured out that buying our debt is a pyramid scheme and that they will be left holding nothing, they will no longer finance our massive deficit each year. This could happen in the blink of an eye and […]
Inflation can be far worse than Deflation… Hyperinflation!
How can Inflation be worse than Deflation? We described deflation Friday which you can read here, and that seems pretty awful! What’s worse? Hyperinflation! Let’s look at what inflation is, how it can affect you, its two causes, and what can push inflation into hyperinflation. The usual reason for inflation is an increase in the […]