What Does the Vision of the Great Tree Being Cut to the Stump Have to do with Today?

We spoke yesterday about the specific revelation given to me about the Coming Economic Storm about to hit America.  You can receive a much more detailed economic description of it immediately by signing up for our free newsletter here. In this series, we’re looking at what is really happening – spiritually.  Today, let’s look at […]

Relationships: Government, Kingdom and Economy

The originals meanings of the words economy and government are scarcely much different than in their theological and spiritual connotations. However, the differences and relationship between the two are evident today: For example: The economy is only part of the care and policy-making of a government.  It is mainly part and parcel of the the […]

Carrying the Authority of Jesus (Mt 10:26-42)

Matt. 10:26-39 We have been looking at the disciple relationship which Jesus began teaching here. Remember, these are the words that Jesus had given to those disciples whom He most trusted who had agreed to give up everything to follow Him. Jesus promises the small few Believers who are truly willing to follow Him (not […]

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