QE to Infinity
Could QE go on forever? I think Jim Sinclair coined the term “QE to Infinity” to mean that the US Fed’s printing of money will never stop. They can’t possibly stop it based on their current thinking and objectives. What they are doing is an incredibly stupid idea, but their choice is basically to have […]
Christian Financial Advice: Crafting a Plan!
We’ve been discussing Christian Financial Advice and the ways we work with Clients here at Kingdom Calling from our offices in Austin, Texas. We first introduced the Your Fruitful Tree process and why it’s important to know your Purpose here. We then explained the importance of starting where you are and on Monday, we discussed […]
Christian Financial Planning: A Better Way?
What is Christian Financial Planning? Is there a better way to steward resources than simply slapping a scripture on the same failed techniques the world uses? It’s been almost 3 weeks since we started this series, so if you haven’t read the first two posts you should do so here: 1) Your Fruitful Tree Process […]
The Flood Dream – Pt 2
This month’s newsletter focused on the spiritual preparation the Lord is calling each of us too instead of the economic storm that we’ve been typically focusing on. Since we haven’t had any spiritual posts in a while for you the blog reader, we thought we would share it here in two parts. To sign up […]
What is Asset Allocation?
Asset allocation and diversification. What are they and how should you use them to steward what you’ve been given? We began looking at the topic of diversification through asset allocation here. In this post, we’ll begin to dig deeper… “Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come […]
What do your investments say about you?
Do your Investments Line up with your Values? (We’re going to begin interspersing posts on how to invest with the posts on asset management in a crazy economy that we’ve been running recently.) In recent decades, Americans have been more and more consumed with the idea of getting rich quick whatever the scheme may be. […]
Gold & Silver Company Investing (Pt 2)
If you’re invested in a particular gold or silver mining company (as opposed to a diversified holding such as an ETF or mutual fund), then you have the risk that something goes wrong with that companies holdings (along with the potential reward that things go fantastic with its holdings). We’ve been discussing gold & silver […]
Economy & Stock Market (Pt 1): Economic Update
The economy and the stock market are discussed in today’s economic update video as we continue our periodic series. The economy is falling apart and soon the stock market will free fall. More and more analysts are coming to understand this. We look at the indicators that you need to know in order to protect […]
Homeowner’s Insurance
“The wealth of the rich is their fortified city, but poverty is the ruin of the poor.” (Proverbs 10:15) Imagine, if you will, these nightmare situations regarding your home: 1 An A/C repairman falls through the ceiling, breaks his back, and sues you. 2 Your dog gets out, and for some reason feels […]
God’s Original Plan to Prosper Man
About 500 years later, after the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt led by Moses, God brought them into the wilderness at Mount Sinai. There He gave them the Law through Moses and He laid out peculiar terms about how He will prosper and curse them on condition of their obedience to the Law He […]