Natural and Spiritual Laws, and Scriptures Specific to Both

As we observed, natural laws shouldn’t be violated,  but should be utilized for our advantage when we gain knowledge and understanding of them. They are invisible and abstract, but defining and confining. We we come upon a natural law, we: Stumble over it—Come to awareness of it—Study it—Experiment it—Become familiar with it—Utilize it.  In relationship […]

Law and Order, Discipline and Freedom

All realities are governed by set rules or laws and a lower reality subject to a higher reality. It takes something supernatural to enable a lower entity to enter into and enjoy the power and privilege of a higher reality. Because of the mystical nature of the spiritual reality and because of the unhealthy, evil […]

Should a Christian Tithe?

Let’s add a few words about tithing that have come up since we last wrote on the subject. We’re going to address a couple of issues which have come up where maybe we didn’t fully cover them before. We’ve had a few people asking two major questions and while we’ve somewhat answered these in previous […]

Natural and Spiritual Laws

Beyond our natural reality, there is a spiritual or heavenly reality which is also subjected to the conflicts of two Kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness. Yet this takes places with order and a set of rules. We will define these as natural laws and spiritual laws and give some basic […]

Questions for Revelation on Spiritual Reality, Order & Wisdom

The conflict between the Kingdom of Light by the Son of God and the Kingdom of Darkness by the Devil spans the ages of creation, and man is the main prize of this battle.  As we mentioned before, man is influenced by the wisdom he receives.  If he receives it through the Holy Spirit, the […]

Revelations in Scripture Specific to Spiritual Reality, Order and Wisdom

The conflict between the Kingdom of Light by the Son of God and the Kingdom of Darkness by the Devil spans the ages of creation, and man is the main prize in this battle. As we mentioned before, man is influenced by the wisdom he receives. If he receives it through the Holy Spirit, the […]

The 7 Biggest Mistakes that are Costing You & Your Future

If you’re like most Americans, you try to make smart financial decisions. Although you’re busy, you do the best you can to get good information to do the right thing so your financial future is secure. Despite that effort, chances are you, like many others, are heading deep up a creek without a paddle. And […]

Two Kinds of Wisdom

When God created man, He created him in His image. This implies that man was created with spiritual faculties enabling him to readily commune with God and learn wisdom from Him. Man was designed to be taught by God Himself – to become His disciple. And through man, God intended to reveal His wisdom and […]

Spiritual Reality, Order, and Wisdom

This chapter will be a continuation of some basic concepts of the Kingdom of God. As we put our faith in God, we’re able to see through our spiritual eyes a reality beyond the natural one: the spiritual reality. This reality is not static, but also subject to a work that is initiated by God. […]

Ben Loves His Family

The years had been good to Ben.  He couldn’t sit still and do nothing, so over the decades he put together a business venture here and there, sometimes using his cash, sometimes using policy loans from his whole life insurance policies.  Ever since his accident he had really depended on the Lord for wisdom and […]

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