Questions for Revelation on Spiritual Reality, Order & Wisdom
The conflict between the Kingdom of Light by the Son of God and the Kingdom of Darkness by the Devil spans the ages of creation, and man is the main prize of this battle. As we mentioned before, man is influenced by the wisdom he receives. If he receives it through the Holy Spirit, the […]
Self-Discipline and Discipline within God’s Family
The Lord entrusts His discipline of us to three different parties: The Holy Spirit Before He went to the cross, Jesus told his disciples that it’s for their benefit that He should go. He told them that another would be sent on His behalf to teach them. John 14:25-26 [NIV] 25″All this I have spoken […]
Questions to Gain Greater Insight – 3 Compartments of Man
God created Man in His Image, and endowed him with the full capacity, natural and spiritual, to be changed from glory to glory – even into the Likeness of God. But when Adam and Eve fell, God took away their privilege of fellowship with Him. They were thus not able to approach and walk in […]
The Work of Sanctification
1 Thess 5:23 [NIV] 23May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sanctification is the process by which man is transformed into the likeness of God and brought into the governance of the […]
Spiritual Gifts
In order for us to grow, the Lord not only gives each believer the Holy Spirit, He also blesses us with other members of His Body and family – the church. In the Body Christ, He gives diverse gifts to different members of the Body to help each other to grow. Let’s take a look: […]
The Symbolism of Communion
Spiritual food and water is only available by the Holy Spirit. This is what John the Apostle and Jesus Himself testified: John 7:37-39 [NIV] 37On the last and greatest day of the Feast (of Tabernacle), Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38Whoever […]
Life of Spiritual Man
Now, we can grasp most of the elements of the life of the Spiritual man. The seed is the Life of Christ, offered as the Gift from God, the Father. The seed is sown in our natural life, and nurtured and educated by the Holy Spirit. But we are not fully released into the spiritual […]
Spiritual Life
In the former chapters, we mentioned that God created everything both visible and invisible through Christ, His Son. And that when Adam sinned, Man was “cast out” of the invisible, spiritual world into the visible physical world. We will call this life the life of Natural Man. However, as we are born again through our […]
Two Trees
In the beginning, God put two trees in the middle of the garden of Eden: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. Tree of Death God commanded Adam and Eve to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, lest they surely die. This […]
Shavuot (Pentecost) is God’s Anniversary With Us
As we prepare for this coming mission trip back to “the Land” of Israel, we wanted to give a little bit more insight into this trip. We leave tomorrow, and today wanted to share some more about the Jewish roots of our Faith. Kara and I have in the last two weeks begun to keep […]